December 1, 2012

Queensland, Australia

Mangos fall free from the trees - collected and eaten fresh at breakfast - last count was 18.

Lake Eacham - crystal clear, cool, crocodile free water.

Ellinjaa Falls .....

..... Zillie Falls .....

..... and Millaa Millaa Falls - part of the 'waterfall circuit' in the Atherton Tablelands.

500 year old Curtain Fig Tree is ginormous with thousands of roots draping down to the ground.

Butress roots support vast trees in the Daintree Forest - Wet Tropics World Heritage Site.

Lush undergrowth along the Daintree River.

Light penetrates a delicate fern.

Pink protea in full bloom.

Mossman Gorge where we swam in the cool, refreshing waters.

Daintree River - tranquil on the surface - crocodile infested below.

A wee bit of shade next to the flood level marker.

Kangaroo signs along the Captain Cook Highway .....

..... ah - there's one .....

..... later seen on the menu.