Red Eyed Gaudi Leaf Frog - the cutest species ever created.
Green Iguana - measuring 2 meters long - and fast.
Baby Green Iguana.
Caiman - only the eyes are visible above the water line in the tributary of a canal.
Black River Turtle - catching the sun on log.
Snake Birds - have no oil and must dry their feathers before they can fly.
Bare Neck Tiger Heron - one of many heron species observed.
Central American White Faced Capuchin Monkey .....
..... caught monkeying around.
Jesus Christ Iguana - can literally run on water.
Boa Constrictor - a 3 meter one on the grass outside our lodge.
Green Vine Snake - difficult to spot as it blends in with it's host vine.
Howler Monkey - scarily noisy
One of many species of large spiders - often seen overhead.